Revlon Shampoo/Conditioner ~ I refuse to spend $20 for a bottle of shampoo, but my hair gets too dry with super inexpensive brands. This has been a good middle of the road solution for me.

Blow Silk ~ keeps my hair from getting static-y in the winter and it smells good. A little bottle lasts for a long time.
Mary Kay Timewise ~ Patty recommended this and so far I have been really happy with the results.
Trader Joe's Joe-Joe's Candy Cane Edition ~ no explanation needed.
Williams Sonoma Peppermint Hot Chocolate ~ see above.
Cheez-it's Scrabble edition! My kids spend a lot of time making words and finding letters when we have this for a snack.

Ravelry ~ I am a on-again/off-again knitter for the last 5 or 6 years, I haven't really gotten past the beginner stage, but I am hoping to do so this year. If you knit or crochet (or want too!), you should give yourself an hour or two to peruse this site.
and a new favorite Eggnog!

Jen, I just tried the shampoo over Christmas and love, love, love it! I didn't know that about flax. Do you use the oil or seed? Put it in a shake? And those scrabble cheez-it's are so cool. Haven't seen them here. Enjoy the day!
Kat-Glad you like the shampoo too! Re: Flax, I use both the oil and the seed. I use the oil in smoothies and on salad with dressing and I use the seed in granola and oatmeal. We have to search around for the Scrabble cheez-it's and we always stock up :)
I was thinking about that shampoo for the girls. They have longer hair and it is always full of static in the winter. Since I have short, I can slip by on most things.
Glad you like Time Wise.
wow, everyone likes this shampoo. I'll have to try it. I love this post!! didn't know about the scrabble edition of Cheez It. we do love cheez its. I'll have to do a post like this.
Oh my goodness, Candy Cane Joe-joes are so amazing... I buy them to take to holiday potlucks so we share the box, otherwise it would be gone in under 5 minutes. I heard a commercial for Candy Cane Joe-Joe's and Cream ice cream! Too dangerous. ;)
Gardenia-I would love to see your "fav things" post!
3Squares - glad I didn't know about the ice cream ~ I would have bought the place out! I am embarrassed to admit how many boxes of cookies we bought!
So, what kind of eggnog? We tried a pumpkin variety (yum) and someone suggested the gingerbread one, too. Hood's brand, here.
Lynn- this is the recipe that we used this year!
Ooh, thanks... I've never made eggnog but I hear it's wonderful.
Hi Jen,
I'm very interested in the Blow Silk that you had mentioned. I have very fine hair and it could certainly use some taming this time of year!! Who makes it and where do you get it? Thanks so much! I hope you had a fabulous Holiday Season!!!
Hi Lisa! ~ The full name is Artec Kiwi Color Reflector Blow Silk Silk Shine Serum. I bought it my salon, but I bet you could find it at :)
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