I am making a scarf for Sarah and then one for Anna. I love this yarn and the colors will look really cute with their winter church coats.
I am reading several things right now, The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur, The Happiness Project, and Digestive Wellness for Children. I haven't had too much time to read lately, but as we are easing back into our ordinary time routine that will hopefully change.
The kids have decided they are interested in learning to knit too. We headed off to the craft store and the quest to learn to knit began. I helped, along with a dvd called The Art of Knitting 4 Kids
that we borrowed from my sister. Our couch looked like the International House of Knitting!
My goal is to have the scarf finished by Sunday and another fun project on my needles.
I haven't yet found a good balance between knitting and reading. I prefer to knit during the day and read at night before bed. However, it seems to make the kids nervous when I sit down. Either they pile on either side of me so it renders my arms useless, or they send out some secret code between siblings that activates one of them to call me to a different room for an emergency. Not a real emergency of course, but usually something along the lines of "how do you spell waterbender?"
I am linking up with a yarn along today!

don't you just love it when they come and hang all over you the second you sit down?? We'll miss it *one* day, I'm sure :-)
Very pretty wool too - it will make lovely scarfs!
Had a good chuckle with this post. Your scarves are going to turn out beautiful!! Very pretty yarn:) My girls give you a two thumbs up!
great photo of the knitting crew
Look at all your littles with their yarn! *love*
Cute pic! Glad the DVD is working.:)
Cute yarn :) I taught my kids to knit last year and DS is still working on a scarf for his daddy :)
how do you spell waterbender? :D hilarious :D
and I love the yarn - great color :)
One thing I regret in life is never sitting down with my grandma and asking her to teach me to knit. Unfortunately it's way too late for that. I did learn how to crochet last year and started a granny square afghan. Hmmmm maybe I should get back to work on that!
Your little knitters are adorable!! I have the same problem with my arms when I try to sit and work on something- even as old as my boys are getting, they see me sitting down as the perfect opportunity for a cuddle.
How great you've got them all knitting! Mine have all tried but only my oldest dd and my third (ds) have stuck with it, 2 out of 4 isn't bad, eh? Love the scarf yarn, so pretty and cheery! Happy New Year to you all :)
Learning to knit is on my bucketlist...maybe one of these days. Happy new year!
What soft and sweet yarn for your scarves! I admire you and all those who can use your hands to make such beautiful things. I think I have 5 thumbs and zero patience. LOL I laughed and could relate to the part about you sitting down...What is it about us sitting down that calls for automatic tackle? OH, what love! <3
I'm so impressed you're teaching the kids how to knit! Very neat!
The International House of Knitting!!! I love it!
Oh that scarf looks so pretty and soft! I have always wanted to learn how to knit but I don't really have the patience to learn.
I really chuckled about the "sitting seems to make my children nervous" comment. My kids have a Pavlovian response to me getting on the phone. It can be quiet and peaceful and I will think, "Oh, let me just catch up with so-and-so for a moment." Or "it's a good time to make that phone call I've been needing to make." Instantly all you know what breaks out and it's pure chaos in the house. I wish I had one of those "cone of silence" gadgets. ;)
beautiful colors for the scarf. I used to love knitting and should consider picking up the needles again. but I do love reading so much and don't have enough time to read. can you read and knit at the same time -- probably not. sigh...I'll stick with reading for now. I've picked up the secret diary of elizabeth leseur and can't wait to begin it.
Love the soft colors of the yarn you are using for the scarves :) so pretty. The Happiness Project is on my list of books that I've requested from the library and am really looking forward to reading it :) Happy new year!
Ladies ~ thanks for all the sweet comments!!
I love it, Jen! You are so talented. Can't wait to see the scarves when they are done :)
What a pretty scarf. I love the colors.
I am definitely NOT a knitter, but I appreciate all who do!
Aw!! So happy to have found your blog. I have always wanted to adopt children, so my husband and I are prayerfully waiting for the right time. How awesome that the kids are knitting!
I love, love, love to crochet, but someone always climbs on me or gets in to my yarn, too. It is sooo relaxing though, if I can keep off the clingons :) I might get mine out too. Your yarn made me drool - beautiful! One day I will learn to knit as well.
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