Everyone has heard the saying, where there's a will there's a way - I firmly believe this. If God is calling your family toward adoption then He will help with the resources. Of course He often requires us to take the first step out of the boat and onto the water and trust in Him.
There is nothing like the thought of having to come up with thousands of dollars to make you want to get your finances in order if need be. Two good resources to help with that project:
Veritas Financial Ministries
Dave Ramsey
To help plan what you are actually going to spend, Adoptive Families has a chart of actual adoption costs. The results are taken from a survey of families who have completed different types of adoption.
Here is a list of a variety of financial resources:
**Please do your own research on what is going to work for your family. This is just a list to help you get started.**
Adoption Financing Information - grants, loans, fundraising
Adoption Financing - more info on grants, loans
Dave Thomas Foundation - also includes info on asking an employer to offer adoption benefits. This is definitely worth the effort, we were able to get an adoption benefit started with one of the company's that Bob worked for. Granted this is an "after the fact" benefit similar to the tax credit, it's very worthwhile.
Financing Info
Adoption Loans
Yahoo Group for Fundraising Ideas
Of course I realize that there are often situations that are beyond our control such as job loss, extended illness, but if God is calling you down the path of adoption, then I firmly believe He will open doors. Don't forget the kindness of strangers! Often people would like to help, they just don't know how or what to do. Share with others regarding your desire to adopt. My friend Kimberlie has a chip in box to help offset travel expenses. She has a post with some more good ideas. It only takes few people to make a difference!
I don't think that God is calling every person to adopt, but God does call each one of us to help those that are less fortunate. That includes orphans. Considering helping to fund an adoption, or help organize a fundraiser for someone you know.
"I tell you, anything you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me, says the Lord" Mt 25:40
Don't forget to enter to win a free adoption book! Link is on the left sidebar.

Thank you for mentioning our chip-in! What a wonderful surprise to wake up to this morning!!
It's so funny because I have a post prepared about financing an adoption too. I will link to your article in mine because you have resources I don't (like all the links to adoption loans etc. Mine are just in a spreadsheet and not easy to access).
Have a blessed day!
Kimberlie- you're welcome. I will watch for your post and link it up here. The more the merrier!
great resources. you're doing such a wonderful service to prospective adoptive parents, and in promoting this marvelous way of forming a family.
We like Dave Ramsey too!
Was wondering if you have every heard of any resources or services to help expats adopt. We are penniless Americans living in Italy that would definitely like to adopt but have no idea how to even get started. Any advice?
Anne- send me an e-mail and I will see what we can do!
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